Webinars on NPS

In 2020-2021, EHRA together with its partners conducted series of webinars on the use of new psychoactive substances in CEECA region. The main goal of the webinars was to discuss health and harm reduction, and law enforcement responses to emerging NPS in CEECA countries.

If you would like to learn more about challenges and responses to NPS – check the presentations and webinar recordings.

Webinar recording and presentations are in Russian language. The aim was to discuss health and harm reduction, and law enforcement responses to emerging NPS in Kyrgyzstan. During the meeting results of the latest research on the issues related to NPS use and the needs of people who use these substances were discussed. What is more, participants of the meeting shared their insights about medical and social, mental health services, prevention, testing and treatment of HIV, STIs and hepatitis, as well as the best regional experience in providing harm reduction services for NPS users. Presentations (in Russian)

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Webinar recording and presentations are in Russian language. The aim was to discuss health and harm reduction, and law enforcement responses to emerging NPS in Kazakhstan. During the meeting results of the latest research on the issues related to NPS use and the needs of people who use these substances were discussed. What is more, participants of the meeting shared their insights about medical and social, mental health services, prevention, testing and treatment of HIV, STIs and hepatitis, as well as the best regional experience in providing harm reduction services for NPS users. Presentations (in Russian)

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The aim of the webinar was to present the results of recent researches on the issue of NPS use and discuss the emerging issues, common problems, possible solutions, and future steps. During the meeting participants presented:

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The aim was to present results of recent researches on the issue of NPS use and the needs of people who use NPS in medical, social, psychiatric services, prevention, testing and treatment of HIV, STIs and hepatitis. During the meeting participants presented:

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The aim of the meeting was to discuss harm reduction and law enforcement responses to the challenges created by NPS. The following issues were covered during the discussion:

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