Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) members general assembly

Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) (“Asociacija “Europos ir Azijos rizikos mažinimo tinklas”) announces the convocation of the members general assembly on-line in period from 13 to 27th of November 2017.

General assembly suggested agenda:

  1. Approval of EHRA statute with changes and editions.
  2. Approval of EHRA strategic framework for 2018-2019
  3. Approval of interim Steering Committee and timeline for conducting Steering committee elections by sub-regions

As general assembly will be conducted on-line, there I need to explain the timeline and process:

16-23rd of October – all EHRA members will receive draft of key documents need to be discussed and approved on the assembly. In this period you could suggest additional issues to the agenda by letter to e-mail or to this mailing list.

23rd of October – 10th of November – changes and editing to documents are accepted. For each agenda item there will be conference calls organized for discussion in Russian and English.  Timeline of conference calls will be send via e-mails in this mailing list as well as announced on EHRA Facebook page.

13-27th of November the voting will be organized using on-line platform. Detailed instructions how to register for the voting and necessary links will be provided.

EHRA team