EXTENDED: EHRA is looking for consultants to develop an interactive online training course on digital services

EHRA is looking for the consultants to develop an interactive online training course on digital services for key population groups that are vulnerable to HIV, including people who use drugs, men who have sex with men, trans* people and women living with HIV.

The new deadline for submission is before 24:00 EET on May 31, 2021.

Eurasian Harm Reduction Association  (EHRA) as part of the Eurasian Regional Consortium’s project “Thinking outside the box: overcoming challenges in community advocacy for sustainable and high-quality HIV services” supported by the Robert Carr Fund for civil society networks (RCF) is looking for qualified providers to develop and conduct an interactive online training course on digital services for key populations (people who use drugs, men who have sex with men, trans people and women living with HIV).

Tasks under this tender

The purpose of the course is to build capacities of peer workers, social workers, psychologists and other specialists who are involved in provision of online/remote services and managers of those programs for a better quality of those services. The course should take into account the information, conclusions, and recommendations provided in THIS technical draft[1] of the executive summary of the Report on Mapping Digital and Remote Healthcare-Social HIV Services for Key Populations in countries of Central, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

  1. Develop and produce interactive online training course allowing potential users to progress in an engaging virtual learning environment. Course content and delivery should be designed in a way that participants can complete the course 90% independently. 10% of the course should include mentoring, supervision or coaching support.

The course should contain the following thematic blocks:

  • role and specifics of digital services in package of services for key populations;
  • planning and management of digital services;
  • practical skills building to improve provision of quality services;
  • safety and confidentiality (for both client and consultant);
  • ethics of consultant-client relationship in an online environment.
  1. Place the content of the course to existing online course platform: https://ehra.learnworlds.com/home.
  2. Pilot the course and, based on the results of the pilot (feedback from the participants and EHRA), make necessary changes in course design and content.
  3. Produce scripts/guidelines for mentors and trainers of the course.

All course materials should be available in Russian and English.

[1] https://harmreductioneurasia-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/igor_harmreductioneurasia_org/ERGwxX-JzBdGnQxwWBtztsQBa2d1xtyNM8vmJ7TbkPVS1g?e=tGKNBW

How to apply

Applicants must submit:

  • Technical proposal;
  • Cost proposal;
  • CVs of individual consultants or teams proposed for this assignment with references to their previous experience in similar tasks;

The subject of the letter is “Digital services course” and subject line of your attachment must

be labeled as follows:

  • Your name_technical proposal
  • Your name_cost proposal

The proposal should be submitted to igor@harmreductioneurasia.org,

The deadline for submission is before 24:00 EET on May 31, 2021.

Please see full ToR