Request for Proposals: Grants to support the community-led activities focused on ensuring the sustainability of HIV / TB responses among KAPs within the transition from the Global Fund’s support to national funding in Republic of Armenia and Republic of Kosovo

Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) invites initiative groups, organizations of communities of people living with or affected by HIV and TB, as well as non-governmental HIV and TB focused organizations being involved in the implementation of Global Fund grants at the national level in the Republic of Armenia and Republic of Kosovo, to apply for grants to support the community-led activities focused on ensuring the sustainability of HIV / TB responses among KAPs within the transition from the Global Fund’s support to national funding in these countries.

The proposed project activities must address the problem(s) prioritized by one or several key affected communities and fit one of the next priority areas for support:

∙ Community led monitoring of the relevant transition related process;

∙ Coordination/consolidation of different community efforts in watchdogging of the transitioning processes and advocacy;

∙ Community led advocacy focused on ensuring the sustainability of HIV/TB response among KAPs within the transition.

Period of implementation: January – July 2022

No more than 2 grants will be awarded (1 grant per country) for the period up to 6 months of implementation. The budget limit for each grant is US $ 6,500.

Deadline to apply: 15th of December 2021 23:59 CET

For more details please read the Request for Proposals (RFP).

Application Form.

Work plan and Budget Template.