The Global Fund Human Rights Complaints Procedure. Brochure

The Global Fund is committed to protecting and promoting human rights in the context of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

That means removing human rights barriers to accessing health services for women and girls, sex workers, people who use drugs, men who have sex with men, transgender people, people in prison, migrants and refugees, indigenous peoples and others who are particularly impacted by one or more of the three diseases.

The Global Fund has tasked its Office of the Inspector General with the responsibility of investigating some kinds of complaints of violations of human rights in programs which it supports.

The brochure on the human rights complaint mechanism explains the Global Fund’s minimum human rights standards for all grant recipients, and the complaints procedure. It is available in the following languages (click links for the files):

Also you can read and download the recently-published Global Fund Human Rights Complaint Mechanism Assessment.

The assessment was commissioned by the CRG department to understand why uptake of this complaint mechanism has been low. One of the findings is lack of information/awareness of the mechanism.