Invitation to apply: Training and study visit on the quality of harm reduction services

Amsterdam, 12-14 July 2022

Invitation to apply

EHRA invites harm reduction specialists from the CEECA region to a training on the quality of harm reduction services and a study visit to service organizations in the Netherlands.

In April 2022, the EHRA Steering Committee voted to adopt the EHRA Position on the quality of harm reduction services. The document was developed by a specialized expert working group of the Association members together with the EHRA Steering Committee. This is the first significant step in the implementation of Objective 2.1. of  EHRA Strategy ”Contribute to improving the quality and comprehensiveness of existing harm reduction services in the countries of the CEECA region”.

Developed as a practical guidance on how to apply the EHRA Position the Tool “Components, arguments, criteria (CAC) of quality harm reduction services” provides a framework for assessment of the capacities of harm reduction service providers to run high quality harm reduction services and for planning respective changes. It looks into the organizational capacity, staff capacity, client work, and partnerships from the point of view of the five key principles of harm reduction quality: respect for the dignity and acceptance of people who use drugs; community engagement; reaching people who use drugs in their diversity; responsiveness to clients’ needs; and target setting based on local health and social specifics.

During the training and study visit, participants will be able to have a detailed overview of CAC and the self-assessment tool, as well as learn how harm reduction programs in Amsterdam are organized for different target groups. After the training, 5 participating organizations, selected on a competitive basis, will be able to receive a mini-grant for self-assessment and expert support on quality assurance.

To apply for participation in the meeting, follow this link to fill out the form until June 17, 2022.

ATTENTION! According to the Netherlands’ entry restrictions, all participants travelling to the  training are required to have vaccination certificate with one of the EU approved vaccines.