Need help in dismissing arrested human rights defender Andriy Yarovyi!

Locked in the basement. What for? He had substitution maintenance therapy (SMT) drugs — buprenorphine in his pocket.

According to the latest verified information provided by the representative Alliance for Public Health, as of mid-December 2018, Andriy is holding on well and he has no health complaints; lawyer support is provided as well as communication with his parents. Due to the involvement of a local lawyer, the characteristics and petitions received from Ukrainian and regional and international organizations are attached to the case. The fact of Andriy’s unlawful arrest in the “LPR” was recorded (without indicating personal data) in a recent regular report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the situation in Ukraine. Several times per month, deliveries with food, clothing and essential items are transferred to Andriy. In the coming month, the “criminal case” is expected to be sent to the local “court” for consideration.
Andriy is our friend, leader, smart and brave person, is in need for our help.