Robert Carr Network Fund announcing the Funding Decision for the period 2019-2021

We are happy to announce that RCNF acknowledged the achievements of the Eurasian Regional Consortium in the HIV response in the EECA region and provided USD 1,760,000 to continue the Consortium advocacy and capacity building activities in respond to funding insecurity for HIV services for key populations in EECA for the next three years.

Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) as the lead partner of the Eurasian Regional Consortium, together with Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) and Eurasian Women’s Network on AIDS (EWNA) are highly committed to deliver joint efforts on addressing the needs of people, who use drugs (PWUD), men, who have sex with men (MSM), transgender people (TG) and women living with HIV (WLHIV) in a capacity building and coordinated set of advocacy activities on HIV resource mobilization, budget advocacy and fiscal accountability.

Consortium’s activities will be focused on fostering sustainable regional, national and local community-led advocacy and watchdog organizations and networks, and on strengthening capacity of key populations’ leaders to effectively advocate for increased domestic investments in HIV services and monitoring of the national budget commitments.

We believe, that it will build result oriented community-led initiatives and political support to ensure sufficient and sustainable investments in services along the continuum of HIV care for key populations.

Information is also available on the RCF website.