EXTENDED: EHRA is pleased to announce a new RFP for the selection of the consultant to develop an Info Note on the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment

RFP Number EHRA-04-13
RFP Title External consultant. Info Note on the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment
RFP Closing Date and time: 23:59 EET on May 4, 2022
Proposal Submission Address: info@harmreductioneurasia.org


Since 2017 Eurasian Harm Reduction Association is being the host of the EECA Regional Platform for Communication and Coordination. One of the EHRA responsibilities in its role as EECA Regional Platform is to enhance community knowledge of the Global Fund and its processes, through the regular bi-directional sharing of tailored and targeted information to a diverse audience.

To be in line with this objective, EHRA through its EECA Regional Platform is aimed to better inform civil society and communities in the region about the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment including its Investment Case.

Objectives of the tender and key tasks of the consultant:

EHRA is looking for a consultant to develop the Info Note for civil society and communities in EECA on the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment.

The consultant is expected:

  1. To propose the format and structure of the Info Note. The document may cover the next topics (but not be limited by them):
    • What is the Global Fund’s Replenishment?
    • A brief overview of the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment including its objectives, key processes, timeframe
    • Brief summary of the Global Fund’s investment case for the 7th Replenishment
    • Key messages for civil society activists and advocates with regard to the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment
  2. To collect all required information needed to develop the Info Note. The methods of data collection may include:
    • desk review of all relevant publications, documents, and other info materials on the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment being publicly available, including those being available at the Global Fund’s website and being produced by different Global Fund’s partners including those from civil society (like GFAN, W4GF etc.)
    • interviews with the key informants (if needed).
  3. Based on the collected information – develop an Info Note on the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment including its Investment Case.


A document presenting a brief overview of the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment objectives and processes including its Investment Case. The length of the document should not exceed 7 pages.

The language of the resulted document should be English or Russian.


  1. By 12th of May – to propose and agree with EHRA on the format and structure of the final document to be developed.
  2. By 30th of May – to provide EHRA with the draft document for feedback and comments.
  3. By 10th of June- to provide EHRA with the final product.

Cost of services

The total contract cost for the work of the consultant under this ToR should not exceed 1 100 EUR (including all taxes).

Evaluation Criteria:

An evaluation panel will assess the extent to which proposals submitted in response to this announcement meet the evaluation criteria below.

The minimum technical score is 90. Only candidates with a minimum score of 90 points out of a maximum of 100 are considered eligible for the assignment. Consultants with proven work experience in the community organization would be given a priority.

The candidates with the highest technical score that meets the requirement will be invited to negotiate the agreement.

Criteria Weighting
Good understanding of the Global Fund’s processes including the Replenishment in particular (should be clear from LoI) 25 points
Knowledge of, and access to relevant sources of information required to complete the task (should be clear from LoI) 25 points
Experience of development of similar publications and a strong record of adherence to evidence-based approaches (should be clear from CV and LoI) 25 points
Proven set of skills for interviewing, conducting a literature review, and writing (should be clear from CV and LoI) 25 points
Total 100 points

Additionally, the consultants should have:

  • No conflict of interest (should be declared in the Letter of Interest);
  • Fluent in English and/or Russian languages;

How to apply

To be eligible as an EHRA consultant, any organization or individual must comply with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association Code of Ethics which you can find at the following link: https://old.harmreductioneurasia.org/ehra-code-of-ethics/

Applicants must submit the following documents:

1. CV with the relevant information

2. Letter of Interest (LoI)

Please submit your proposal to info@harmreductioneurasia.org by the 4th of May 2022 23:59 EET.

In the subject line of your e-mail please indicate the RFP number EHRA-04-13, the title “Consultant to develop Info Note on the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment, and your name. Otherwise, the application will not be considered.

ATTENTION. If these documents are not submitted in full, the participant will not be allowed to take part in the tender.

General terms

Interested consultants should pay attention to the following conditions:

•  This RFP shall not be interpreted as a contract or obligation of any kind. This invitation to tender does not in any way oblige EHRA to enter into contracts, nor does it oblige EHRA to pay any costs incurred in preparing and submitting applications.

•  EHRA will sign an agreement with the winner of the competitive selection. The contract will define a detailed work plan and payment terms. The contract is not an employment contract. Payment of all taxes and social insurance is the responsibility of the contractor.

•  EHRA reserves the right (but does not commit itself to obligations) to enter into negotiations with one or more applicants in order to obtain clarifications or additional information, as well as to agree on the timing of work.

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