Educational podcasts to support work of paralegals are on air
To support the work of paralegals and guide them through algorithm of basic legal support provision to key populations in access to HIV services, EHRA jointly with HIV Legal Network have developed a series of podcasts. The key topics of podcasts: HIV cascade and human rights, instruments of paralegals, 7 steps in paralegals’ work, and peculiarities of work with different key populations groups.
The podcasts are available at EHRA educational platform in section of educational materials for paralegals in Russian (for access please register).
The podcasts were produced by EHRA within the project TIBERUIS: “Overcoming legal barriers for key populations – on the way to 90-90-90”. The project is aimed at improvement of the effectiveness of HIV continuum of care by overcoming legal barriers for the most vulnerable key populations in selected cities of Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova.
HERE you can find other EHRA’s educational materials on protection of human rights and learn about our work n this field.