REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: update the methodology of the assessment of the fulfillment of the commitments taken by the governments to ensure the sustainability of HIV response

EHRA is looking for the consultancy to update the methodology of the assessment of the fulfillment of the commitments taken by the governments to ensure the sustainability of HIV response among key populations in the context of transition from the Global Fund’s support

RFP Number EHRA-02-08
RFP Title External consultancy for the update the methodology of the assessment of the fulfillment of the commitments taken by the governments to ensure the sustainability of HIV response among key populations in the context of transition from the Global Fund’s support
RFP Closing Date and time: 24:00 EET on March 11, 2022
Proposal Submission Address:



Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) is a non-for-profit public membership-based organization uniting harm reduction activists and organisations from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) with its mission to actively unite and support communities and civil societies to ensure the rights and freedoms, health.

Being a partner of the Alliance for Public Health, the All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH 100% Life and other regional networks in the implementation of the Global Fund funded regional HIV project “Sustainability of services for key populations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, EHRA is aimed at the improving the financial sustainability and allocative efficiency of HIV programs in EECA countries.

To contribute to this objective, in 2020 – 2021 EHRA has developed and piloted a methodology and tool for assessing the fulfillment of the commitments taken by the governments to ensure the sustainability of HIV response among key populations in the context of transition from the donors’ / Global Fund’s support. It is expected that the results of such assessment will help representatives of key affected communities maintain their awareness and engagement in monitoring of the transition related process and advocate for the sustainability of the national response to HIV.

In 2021, while piloting the developed methodology and tool, EHRA conducted nine assessments in such EECA countries as Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Tajikistan.

EHRA is looking for a consultant to help with updating the current version of the methodology and tool based on the results of its piloting in 2021.

Purpose of the consultancy

 The consultant is expected to revise and finalize the methodology and tool for assessing the fulfillment of the commitments taken by the governments to ensure the sustainability of HIV response among key populations in the context of transition from the Global Fund’s support based on piloting conducted in 9 EECA countries in 2021. Therefore, EHRA suggests that the consultant’s work process should include (but not be limited to) the following steps:

  1. Familiarizing himself/herself with the current version of the methodology and tool as well as with the reports on the results of the assessments and with the list of methodological and technical challenges being identified so far (to be provided by EHRA).
  2. To develop and agree with EHRA questionnaires for the semistructured interviews on the methodology related challenges and in consultation with EHRA colleagues to prepare a list of experts to be interviewed. Total number of interviews should not exceed 12. Alternatively, online focus groups could be conducted with the key respondents targeting not less than 12 people altogether.
  3. To conduct and analyze the interviews with the selected experts.
  4. Based on the collected information – to update and finalize the methodology and tool for assessing the fulfillment of HIV related sustainability commitments given by the national governments in the context of country transition from the Global Fund’s support to national funding.

An Assessment Guide “Benchmarking Sustainability of the HIV Response in the Context of Transition from Donor Funding” together with the Transition Monitoring Tool in Excel format will be provided to the consultants by EHRA in English. In addition, EHRA will provide the selected consultant with (1) national reports on completed assessments and (2) contacts of the experts who conducted the national assessments.

EHRA will support the selected expert in understanding of the methodology and by periodic review of the deliverables.

Consultants are expected to be available for by-weekly calls with EHRA assigned staff/experts to discuss the progress/challenges with the completion of the task.


Scope of Services

Following products (in English) should be delivered as a result of the work being done by a consultant under this ToR:

– Revised and finalized methodology to assess of the fulfillment of the commitments taken by the governments to ensure the sustainability of HIV response among key populations in the context of transition from the Global Fund’s support;

– Revised and finalized tool(s) required to do such assessment including the instruction for local consultants on how to use them.


Proposed timeline:

– By 8th of April – the consultant should familiarize himself/herself with all the provided by EHRA assessment related documents

– By 15th of April – to develop the questionnaires for the interviews / focus group discussions and agree on the list of key respondents

– By 20th of May – to conduct all interviews / focus groups

– By 20.06.2022 the consultant should provide the assigned EHRA staff/experts with a draft version of the revised and updated documents for review as specified in the section «Expected Results» of this ToR.

– By 11.07.2022 the consultant must provide to EHRA assigned staff/experts a pre-final version of the revised and updated documents specified in the section «Expected Results».

– By 25.07.2022 the Consultant must provide to EHRA assigned staff/experts the final version of the documents specified in the section «Expected Results».


Cost of services and payment order

The total contract cost for the consultant’s work under this ToR should not exceed 4,500 USD (including all taxes and related expenses). Considering the TOR timeframe, it is assumed that the payment under the contract will be divided into two parts:

– 50% will be paid to the consultant after developing and submitting the first draft of revised and finalized assessment methodology and related TOR documents to EHRA assigned staff/experts.

– 50% will be paid after revising and finalizing the assessment methodology and related to TOR documents will be reviewed and approved by EHRA assigned staff/experts.


Evaluation criteria / requirements for candidates:

Submitted applications will be evaluated by the evaluation panel of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association.

A two-stage procedure will be utilized in evaluating the proposals:

  • evaluation of the previous experience (portfolio) via technical criteria – 80% in total evaluation.
  • comparison of the costs (best value for money) – 20% in total evaluation. The EHRA will evaluate the proposal regarding the best value for money (price in euros and other factors are taken into account).

Cost evaluation is only undertaken for technical submissions that score a minimum 80 points out of a maximum of 100 as a requirement to pass the technical evaluation. A proposal which fails to achieve the minimum technical threshold will not be considered further.

Сriteria: Points
Excellent understanding of the sustainability and transition related context and processes taking place in EECA region (should be clear from LoI) 20
Experience of undertaking similar work and a strong record of adherence to evidence-based approaches (links to the examples of relevant documents should be provided in the Letter of Interest) 40
Proven set of skills for interviewing, conducting a literature review, and writing 20
Excellent written and spoken English and Russian 20
Maximum possible number of points 100

This announcement shall not be construed as a contract or a commitment of any kind. This request for proposals in no way obligates EHRA to award a contract, nor does it commit EHRA to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposals.

Based on the evaluation results, the evaluation panel may decide to support several consultants. In this case, the evaluation panel will contact the selected consultants for negotiations.

How to apply

To be eligible as a EHRA consultant, any organization or individual must comply with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association Code of Ethics which you can find at the following link:

Applicants must submit the following documents:

– CV,

– Letter of Interest. The CV and application should clearly reflect the competency of the candidate necessary to complete this task, as well as include the proposed number of working days for each stage, cost and timing of their implementation.

Please submit your proposal to .

In the subject line of your e-mail please indicate the RFP number and your name.  Otherwise, the application will not be considered.

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