EHRA is looking for writers to prepare short articles on the state of harm reduction in CECCA countries

In 2020 within the preparation of Eurasia chapter of the Global State of Harm Reduction Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) conducted interviews with national partners. Based on the gathered information EHRA recently started publishing articles providing an overview of harm reduction and drug policy developments in each country of CECCA region.

Article structure example:

EHRA is looking for writers to prepare similar short informational texts on the 20 countries (the consultants can choose the number of articles they are willing to work on).

Based on the desk research and transcripts of interviews selected consultants should prepare 3–5 pages informational text about the country in English or Russian.

Selection criteria:

The submitted applications will be evaluated by the selection committee of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association. The following criteria will be used to evaluate the bids (the maximum possible number of points is 100):

  • Quality of the portfolio (must include publications related to harm reduction or drug policy) (60 points)
  • Literate English or Russian (25 points)
  • Relevant education (15 points)

EHRA will consider for the contract only applicants that scored at least 80 points out of 100.

This announcement shall not be construed as a contract or a commitment of any kind. This request for proposals in no way obligates EHRA to award a contract, nor does it commit EHRA to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the proposals.

Terms of payment and other conditions same as a final timeline will be indicated in the agreement which EHRA will sign with the winner.

How to apply

Applicants must submit the following documents to, the subject of the letter is “Call writer”, the deadline for submission is before 24:00 EET on April 26, 2021:

  1. CV
  2. Letter of interest with suggested consultancy fee for 1 text and number of articles the consultants is willing to work on (USD)