How to write a successful small grant application?

Each year, EHRA and other partners in the region are announcing small grants programs. We are sure, you heard, or maybe even applied for it?

Most of the applications we receive consist of great and inspiring ideas. But at the same time, some of them lack consistency. So, if you ever asked yourself “Why was my project not selected?” or “Why was my project not selected the third time in a row?”, we are here to help and guide you on how to write a successful small grant application.


On March 23, 2021, EHRA held a practical webinar “How to write a successful small grant application?”. Participants of the webinar learned what algorithm to use working over the application, why the topic of the competition is important, and how to link it with the goal of the grant, whether a lot of text is good or bad, what the goal, objectives, and activities are, how to make a budget and check your application.

The presentation and recording of the webinar are available on the EHRA educational platform at Registration is required to access the platform.